The firm provides strategic career guidance service including metrics, interview design and interviewer coaching linked to business results.
It conducts best-in-class searches to deliver the highest quality, best-matched candidates for "mission critical" roles; and provides a unique Strategic Talent Acquisition service. Explore University of Toronto careers, University of Manitoba careers, and careers at York University confidently!
Successfully Completed Searches Include:
For industry-leading high technology companies:
Chief Financial Officers
Vice President, Global Quality
Program Directors
For investment management firms:
Chief Financial Officers
Chief Compliance Officers
Vice President, Corporate Finance
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Portfolio Managers
For leading global strategy consulting firms:
Engagement Managers
For global insurance firms:
Vice President, Risk Management
Director Communications
Director, Marketing
For a leading communications firm:
EVP, Corporate Development
For not-for-profits:
Executive Directors
Directors, Communications
Directors, Marketing