It's Not What You Say—It's How You Say It!

As a career coach, I spend a lot of time preparing clients for job and informational interviews - we video and analyze practice interviews designed explicitly for that role and organization.

Research has shown that 80% of communication is non-verbal - body language - communicating messages to the other person(s), even in virtual situations.

The key to successful interviews is preparedness - you cannot think up answers and focus on the 80% of communication that is non-verbal simultaneously. You end up losing eye contact and fidgeting.

A significant part of the verbal component is para-verbal - the messages conveyed by tone, pitch, and voice pace (speed) and deal with 'how' the messages are delivered rather than 'what.'

Pause for 3- 5 seconds to make sure you understand the question - what they are getting at - and your answer. If you need more time, say so. Do not say, "That is an interesting question". Short periods of "dead air" are acceptable.

Eye Contact. Looking directly at the person you're talking with helps communicate your sincerity and increase your message's directness. If you look down or away often, you present a lack of confidence or deference to the other person.

Body Posture. Research has shown that how you stand or sit is a huge part of how you come across—and even how you feel. While facing the other person directly, an active and erect posture lends additional assertiveness to your message. Keep two feet on the floor. Rest our forearms on the table - it will help to stabilize yourself. Steeple or interlace your fingers until you want to make a hand gesture. Sit still - challenging in a swivel chair. You may want to look at Amy Cuddy's Ted Talk on body language.

Gestures. Gestures go with posture to lend strength to your self-expression. Accentuating your message with appropriate gestures can add emphasis, openness, and warmth. While gesturing is culturally related, a relaxed use of gestures can add depth or power to your messages. However, remember you are not using sign language.

Facial Expression. Let your face say the same thing your words are saying. Your expression should agree with your message. A friendly communication should come with a smile. Get to know how your facial muscles feel in various expressions—relaxed, smiling, angry, questioning.

Fluency. A smooth flow of speech is a valuable asset to get your point across in any conversation. Clear and slow comments are more easily understood and powerful than rapid speech filled with long pauses and stammering.

Listening. Listening is an essential part of any conversation - see my post.

Peter Caven

A career coach is different than an executive coach.  The former helps you:

1.      Identify your interests, strengths (knowledge, skills and talents).

2.      Identify the sectors, organizations and roles that are of interest to you and would be interested in you.

3.      Craft a compelling resume and internet presence.

4.      Develop and implement an effective networking campaign.

5.      Capture full value from informational meeting.

6.      Manage job interviews that result in offers.

7.      Negotiate employment contracts.

8.      Integrate successfully into your new organization (onboard).

9.      Deal with issues that may arise in your new role (performance reviews, a new boss, difficult colleagues, etc.

The latter is more focused on helping you become more effective in your role and organization.

When do you need a career coach?

You don’t know what to do next.

You are aimlessly searching LinkedIn and other posting sites and feel there are jobs you can do but aren’t sure if you want to do them.  A coach can help you identify possibilities that might be a departure from your past experience or that you haven’t considered.

You are applying to anything and everything with no results.

You are applying to dozens of posting with no results. You are doing some networking; however, it is not producing results either. You are spread an inch deep and a mile wide. You are doing some networking; however, it is not producing results either.

You are not confident that your resume is compelling.

You are not confident that your resume is reflecting your experience and attributes in a compelling manner.  You wonder if it is getting through candidate tracking systems and screens.

Your networking is not productive.

Your networking is limited to your circle of friends and acquaintances.  You are not able to connect/meet with people in the sectors, organizations and roles that are of interest to you.

You are not getting past the interview stage.

You get some interviews, but they do not lead to job offers.  You are uncomfortable in interviews and not “selling” yourself effectively.  You do not project self confidence and assuredness. You are surprised and unprepared for some of the questions you are asked and are often caught off guard.  When asked if you have any questions, you do not have any meaningful ones at hand. You do not know what to do at the end of the interview and how to follow up.  When the organization does not move to the next steps, they said they would you do not know what to do.

You don’t know how to evaluate a job offer.

If you get a job offer, you don’t know if it reflects your market value and is equitable.  You would like to negotiate some changes but don’t know how.

You don’t know how to manage the first couple of months in your new role/organization.

 You are not sure how to manage your “onboarding” to ensure that you build a solid foundation for success.

You don’t have a resource to manage issues that may arise.

You may have an early performance review that you are not prepare for and respond to.  You get a new boss who was not involved in your hiring and are unsure as to how to build a relationship with them.  You are having problems with a colleague and don’t know what to do.

If these are some of the challenges you face now or could face in the future you should consider a career coach.

Peter Caven
How to Help Recent Grads

If you have a son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandson, or granddaughter who is about to graduate or has recently graduated from university or college they are facing significant headwinds in launching their career. There are things you can do to help them.


The unemployment rate for 15- to 24-year-olds is double that for Canada as a whole.  Universities and colleges will tell you that 90% of grads are employed within six months of graduation.  According to the “2021 -22 Ontario University Graduate Survey”  University Employment Outcomes, Graduation and Student Loan Default Rates (  published by the Ministry of College and Universities, almost 40% of grads are earning less than $40,000 annually which means they are working part-time or at minimum wage jobs.  Six months after graduation, 24% are not employed and 45% are looking for work. Less than half of graduates thought their work was related to the skills they acquired at school and the subject matter of their program. 

They, and you, are frustrated and discouraged by their inability to launch their career. Their self-esteem has taken a nose-dive, and they have fallen into a downward spiral; their lack of success has discouraged them from trying. If they do get a job interview, their lack of self-confidence knocks them out of contention. They don't know where to turn or what to do. They have taken to sleeping until noon and partying too hard.

You want to get involved. If you are their parent, it's your job, and you've been successful in helping them in the past. If not a parent, you want to help in what way you can. Despite the urge, beyond providing emotional support, don't do it.

Here's why:

  • Your involvement will likely contribute to their angst.

  • Your advice will not be taken; it is a twenty-something’s mandate to ignore their seniors’ suggestions.

  • Your involvement will likely be resented and become a source of conflict that will spill over to other aspects of your relationship.

  • You are not an appropriate career counsellor – therapists don’t treat their own children, relatives or friends.

  • Your purview is likely too narrow. In most cases, your knowledge of options available to them is restricted by your experience. You may be knowledgeable about the sector or industry in which you work but not much beyond it. There are brand new sectors such as artificial intelligence that didn’t exist just a few years ago.

  • You don’t have the skills and knowledge. What worked for you when you started your career no longer applies. It’s an entirely different ball game; the competition is intense, and the rules have changed.

There are things you can do:

  • Be supportive.  Thousands of postsecondary have not yet launched their career. In 2020, 590,000 students graduated from a Canadian post-secondary institution, an increase of more than 100% while the economy grew 17.4% in real dollar terms – the economy has not grown with the growth in post-secondary grads.

  • Offer advice when asked but don’t dictate; you aren’t a career counsellor so don’t try to come across as an expert.

  • Don’t be an enabler. You shouldn’t expect them to put their shoulder to the wheel to launch their career if financial and other support is unending.

Consider engaging a career coach to help in the process.  Many bring the expertise that will make a critical difference.

Careers for non-STEM Graduates and Professionals

Leveraging a Liberal Arts Undergraduate Degree in a STEM Universe

You graduated, or are about to graduate, with a liberal arts degree and majored in English Literature, Political Science, History, or the like. You did not have a talent for or interest in mathematics or science and did not take courses in those areas in high school and therefore could not take them in university. It is universally acknowledged that the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) will offer the best career opportunities in the coming decades

So, what do you do now? Firstly, you need to determine your strengths (skills, knowledge, and talents), aptitudes, and interests. Secondly, you need to identify the sectors or industries that offer the best opportunities for personal and professional growth that resonate with you. It is a safe assumption that these opportunities will reside in growing industries where the demand for talent is robust and growth will provide opportunities for career development. Thirdly, you need to identify roles or functions that fit with your strengths and interests. Finally, you need to develop and execute a strategy that will launch your career in that sector and function.

Several assessment instruments can be helpful to assist you in better understanding yourself, including Meyers-Briggs, the Strong Interest Inventory, and Strengths Finder. Write 250 words on the following; Life View – what is important to me in my life; Work View – what is important to me in my work; and Flow Experience – times when you were in the “zone” – what you were doing and who you were doing it with. Talk to people in different roles and industries – find out what they do and what they like about what they do.

In its 2018 study ”The Future of Jobs” the World Economic Foundation (WEF) identified the top ten skill demands in 2022 as (in order): analytical thinking and innovation; active learning and learning strategies; creativity, originality, and initiative; technology design and programming; critical thinking and analysis; complex problem solving; leadership and social influence; emotional intelligence; reasoning, problem-solving and ideation; and, systems analysis and evaluation. Note that there are only two skills directly related to STEM and they are fairly far down the list.

There are innumerable articles, blogs, and books about what will be the growth sectors in the 2020s and the consensus indicates that those sectors will be;

• Artificial Intelligence

• Robotics

• Financial Services (eCommerce and Blockchain)

• Healthcare

• Professional Services

• Social Media

• Renewable Energy

All of these sectors will require technical skills in some areas however, all will also have functions that do not require those skills. Today’s functions will exist in the above sectors including Finance, Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, and Operations. WEF research identified the following as emerging non-STEM job roles that leverage distinctively ‘human' skills including Customer Service Workers; Sales and Marketing Professionals; Training and Development, People and Culture, and Organizational Development Specialists; and, Innovation Managers.

Customer Service Workers: Every organization has “customers” in the broadest definition of the word and will need people who can satisfy the needs of those customers.

Sales and Marketing Professionals: Every company that sells goods or services requires sales and business development teams. The ability to market and/or sell technology-based products does not require the ability to design, develop or make those products. An understanding of the application, features, and benefits is required along with the ability to change prospects into customers. Sales are all about relationship management, being comfortable with risk-taking, the ability to connect with people, understand their needs and solve their problems.

Training and Development, People and Culture, and Organizational Development Specialists; organizations will be faced with the need to hire the right people and develop their skills. Companies will need to successfully adapt to new technologies and markets which will require new skills. Retaining top talent will necessitate an appropriate culture.

Innovation Managers: technological and market developments will require innovation and people to lead and manage those processes. When you have identified your target sector(s) and role(s) you will need to develop and execute a strategy to capture opportunities. That strategy will require a compelling resume and digital presence (LinkedIn), an effective networking campaign (80% of jobs that are filled are never appear in the public domain, and interviewing skills (interviews “close the sale” and get you the job)